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flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.

Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released

wrote this on

To allow to exchange binary message through HTTP streaming transport, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha12, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha13 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha15 are released.

As of this release, all transports allow to exchange binary message. Now the question is how to utilize this feature on socket, which is called binary event. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.

Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha11 released

wrote this on

To allow to exchange binary message through HTTP long polling transport, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha11, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha12 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha14 are released.

  • HTTP long polling transport should allow to exchange binary message. Each issue has a comment to demonstrate how to use that feature. vibe-protocol#54, vibe-java-server#77
    • As for binary feature, we decided to drop supporting browsers where XMLHttpRequest 2 and Typed Arrays are not available, i.e. IE 6, 7, 8 and 9. vibe-javascript-client#49

In next iteration, likewise, how to facilitate exchange of binary message via HTTP streaming transport will be covered as a sub task of exchange of binary event via socket and its browser support will follow the one of the above HTTP long polling transport. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.

Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha10 released

wrote this on

To allow to exchange binary message through WebSocket transport, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha10, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha11 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha13 are released.

  • WebSocket transport should be able to exchange binary message. Each issue has a comment to demonstrate how to use that feature. vibe-protocol#52, vibe-java-server#76
    • It is decided to use only ArrayBuffer as a type representing binary data in browser not just for WebSocket but also for other transports. vibe-javascript-client#48
  • options.xdrURL may throw a TypeError 'Cannot read property 'xdrURL' of undefined'. vibe-javascript-client#47

This feature is one of sub tasks of exchange of binary event via socket. In next iteration, we will focus on how to facilitate exchange of binary message via HTTP transports. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.

Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha9 released

wrote this on

Focusing on API for client-side transport layer, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha9, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha10 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha12 are released. Now you can create and use your own transport and replace default implementations with them completely together with API for server-side transport layer.

If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.

Vibe Java Platform 3.0.0-Alpha9 released

wrote this on

For the simplicity of how to bridge application and platform, Vibe Java Platform 3.0.0-Alpha9 is released.

  • A way to bridge application and platform is changed from implementing httpAction and wsAction to calling httpAction and wsAction. vibe-java-platform#40
  • In Netty, unaccepted request is now passed to next handler. vibe-java-platform#42

If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.