Vibe has been renamed to Cettia and is no longer maintained! Use Cettia. ×
flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.


Table of Contents


The protocol is still under active development and it's not easy to maintain both reference implementation and specification document. Accordingly for now the reference implementation takes the place of the specification document.

The current blocks build the protocol.

  • Handshaking - A process to negotiate the protocol.
  • Transport - A full-duplex message channel.
  • Extension - An additional feature built on protocol.
    • reply - Allows for the sender to attach callbacks in sending event and for the receiver to call them with the result of the event processing in receiving event.

Nevertheless, if you need big picture of the protocol, see Anatomy of Protocol. However note that it covers future features on the roadmap and may be different with this version.

Reference Implementation

To help understand and implement the protocol, reference implementation is provided. It is written in easy-to-read JavaScript with a lot of detailed notes you should be aware of. Also you can use it to verify your implementation casually and as the counterpart in your examples. See annotated source codes:


  • They are not for production use.


First you need to install Node.js. Then type the following to install the reference implementation:

npm install vibe-protocol

Interactive Mode

JavaScript is a dynamic language so you can deal with both client and server in an interactive mode. Open two Node console, copy the following scripts and paste into the each console.


var vibe = require("vibe-protocol");
var client = vibe.client();
var socket ="http://localhost:8080");

socket.on("open", function() {

Once socket have been logged, you can access the opened socket by socket in the console.

socket.on("greeting", function(data) {
    console.log("greetings from the server:", data);


var vibe = require("vibe-protocol");
var server = vibe.server();
var httpServer = require("http").createServer();
var sockets = [];

httpServer.on("request", server.handleRequest);
httpServer.on("upgrade", server.handleUpgrade);

server.on("socket", function(socket) {
    console.log("sockets[", (sockets.push(socket) - 1), "]");

Once sockets[ 0 ] have been logged, you can access the opened socket by sockets[0] in the console.

sockets[0].send("greeting", "Hello World");

Test Suite

Test suite is provided to help write and verify implementation. Tests are written in JavaScript with the help of reference implementation and runs by Mocha, JavaScript test framework, in Node.js.


To run the test suite, you need to write a testee, a web server which brokers between test and your implementation to be tested. Because through writing testee, you will use most API of your implementation, showing your testee is good for explaining how to use your implementation.

Server Testee

A testee to test server implementation should listen on port 8000. Here is an example for testing server reference implementation.

Handling HTTP Request

According to the request path:

  • /alive
    • Write true or false to the response according to whether a socket specified by the request param id is opened and end the response.
  • /setup
    • According to the request param: transports, heartbeat and _heartbeat, set up the implementation and end the response.
  • /vibe
    • Delegate an exchange of request and response to the implementation without touching it.
Handling Socket

According to the socket event:

  • echo
    • Send echo event attaching the given data.
Testing Extension

According to the extension:


This extension uses two socket events:

  • /reply/inbound
    • According to the event data's type property, execute a resolved callback if that type is resolved and a rejected callback if that type is rejected with data property of the given data as returning value.
  • /reply/outbound
    • According to the event data's type property, send a test event with data property of the given data as data attaching a resolved callback if that type is resolved and a rejected callback if that type is rejected. In both callbacks, when the value is returned, it should send a done event with that value as data.

Client Testee

A testee to test client implementation should listen on port 9000. Here is an example for testing client reference implementation.

Handling HTTP Request

According to the request path:

  • /alive
    • Write true or false to the response according to whether a socket specified by the request param id is opened and end the response.
  • /open
    • Make the implementation connect to the server setting URI to the request param uri, transport to the request param transport, heartbeat to the request param heartbeat or false if not exists and _heartbeat to the request param _heartbeat or false if not exists.
Handling Socket

According to the socket event:

  • abort
    • Close the socket.
  • echo
    • Send echo event attaching the given data.
Testing Extension

According to the extension:


This extension uses two socket events:

  • /reply/inbound
    • According to the event data's type property, execute a resolved callback if that type is resolved and a rejected callback if that type is rejected with data property of the given data as returning value.
  • /reply/outbound
    • According to the event data's type property, send a test event with data property of the given data as data attaching a resolved callback if that type is resolved and a rejected callback if that type is rejected. In both callbacks, when the value is returned, it should send a done event with that value as data.

Running Test

First you need to install Node.js. Then create a package.json in an empty directory:

  "private": "true",
  "devDependencies": {
    "vibe-protocol": "3.0.0-Alpha2",
    "mocha": "1.21.4",
    "chai": "1.9.1",
    "minimist": "1.1.0"

And type npm install to install modules locally and npm install mocha -g to install Mocha globally for convenience. Then, run your testee and execute mocha passing the following arguments:

  • --vibe.transports
    • A set of transport to be tested in a comma-separated value.
  • --vibe.extension
    • A set of extension to be tested in a comma-separated value.

Testing a client which implements ws, sse and longpollajax transports.

mocha ./node_modules/vibe-protocol/test/client.js --vibe.transports ws,sse,longpollajax

Testing a server which implements ws transport and reply extension.

mocha ./node_modules/vibe-protocol/test/server.js --vibe.transports ws --vibe.extension reply


  • Because Node.js is small and can be installed locally, you can automate the protocol test programmatically by downloading and installing Node.js, installing modules through npm, running tests through spawning a process and checking a Mocha process' exit code that is the number of failed tests.