Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released
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To allow to exchange binary message through HTTP streaming transport, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha12, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha13 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha15 are released.
- HTTP streaming transport should allow to exchange binary message. Each issue has a comment to demonstrate how to use that feature. vibe-protocol#56, vibe-java-server#78, vibe-javascript-client#53
- In HTTP long polling transport, messages that the server couldn't send and cached might be not sent again and lost. vibe-protocol#57, vibe-java-server#79
- Lock all events except close if close event is fired. vibe-javascript-client#54
As of this release, all transports allow to exchange binary message. Now the question is how to utilize this feature on socket, which is called binary event. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.