Vibe has been renamed to Cettia and is no longer maintained! Use Cettia. ×
flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.


Table of Contents

module vibe

A vibe client module acting as a factory to create and manage socket. Every time the module is loaded through either Node's require, AMD's require or script tag, it's newly created. But you don't need to be aware of that.

This page already loaded the module. Open a console and type vibe.

Loading module.

Script tag

<script src="/vibe/vibe.min.js"></script>

AMD loader

require(["vibe"], function(vibe) {});


var vibe = require("vibe-client");

export function open(uri: string, options?: SocketOptions): Socket

Opens a socket and returns it. uri can be relative in browser.

Hello world.;

interface SocketOptions

An interface of properties to get/set socket options. None of properties are required so it can be an empty object.

All possible options along with their default values.

Browser, {
    reconnect: function(lastDelay) {
        return 2 * lastDelay || 500;
    timeout: 3000,
    transports: ["ws", "stream", "longpoll"],
    xdrURL: null

Node.js, {
    reconnect: function(lastDelay) {
        return 2 * lastDelay || 500;
    timeout: 3000,
    transports: ["ws", "stream", "longpoll"]

My configuration for testing., {reconnect: false, timeout: 3000, xdrURL: function(url) {return url;}});

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): any

Default: Generates a geometric series with initial delay 500 and ratio 2

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): number

A function to be used to schedule reconnection. The function is called every time after the close event and should return a delay in milliseconds. The function receives two arguments: The last delay in milliseconds used or null at first and the total number of reconnection attempts.

reconnect? (lastDelay: number, attempts: number): boolean

A function returning false stops further reconnection.

reconnect?: boolean

It's the same with the above one.

A Fibonacci series with first delay 500 and second delay 1000., {
    reconnect: function(lastDelay) {
        var beforeLastDelay = this.beforeLastDelay || 0;
        lastDelay = lastDelay || 500;
        this.beforeLastDelay = lastDelay;
        return beforeLastDelay + lastDelay; // 500, 1000, 1500, 2500 ...

timeout?: number

Default: 3000

A timeout value in milliseconds. It applies to each transport when it tries connection to the server in the connecting event. If every transport fails, then the close event is fired with error event.

transports?: string[]

Default: ["ws", "stream", "longpoll"]

An array of the transport ids, in order of index. Each transport's availability is calculated by feature detection determining if it is available on the browser and by try and error determining if it really establishes a connection to the server in time which is set to timeout:number option. Therefore, the default value means that try ws, if it doesn't work, try stream, if it doesn't work also, try longpoll and finally if it doesn't work as well, then fire error and close event.

xdrURL? (uri: string): string

Default: null

A function used to modify a url to add session information to enable transports depending on XDomainRequest. For security reasons, the XDomainRequest excludes cookie when sending a request, so that session cannot be tracked by cookie. However, if the server supports session tracking by url, it is possible to track session by setting xdrURL.

Session tracking by modifying url

Java Servlet, {
    // input: url?k=v
    // output: url;jsessionid=${cookie.JSESSIONID}?k=v
    xdrURL: function(uri) {
        var sid = /(?:^|; )JSESSIONID=([^;]*)/.exec(document.cookie)[1];
        return url.replace(/;jsessionid=[^\?]*|(\?)|$/, 
            ";jsessionid=" + sid + "$1");

PHP, {
    // input: url?k=v
    // output: url?PHPSESSID=${cookie.PHPSESSID}&k=v
    xdrURL: function(uri) {
        var sid = /(?:^|; )PHPSESSID=([^;]*)/.exec(document.cookie)[1];
        return url.replace(/\?PHPSESSID=[^&]*&?|\?|$/, 
            "?PHPSESSID=" + sid + "&").replace(/&$/, "");

interface Socket

An interface representing a socket created by calling

Echo"open", function() {
    this.send("echo", "Hello World");
.on("echo", function(data) {
    console.log("echoed back", data);

close(): Socket

Closes the socket. A socket closed by this method shouldn't be and can't be used again.

off(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Removes a given event handler for a given event.

on(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Adds a given event handler for a given event. If a handler is set, it will be reset upon reconnection so don't call on in dispatching event including open. Generally, added handler is called every time server sends the corresponding event, but if a given event is reserved, a given event handler behave differently like the following.

connecting (): void

A pseudo event which is fired only once in life cycle when a connection is tried.

Notifying a user of connection

// If this socket is in connecting, it will be executed immediately.
// If this socket is in opened, closed or waiting, it will be ignored."connecting", function() {
    console.log("Trying connection");
open (): void

A network event which is fired only once in life cycle when a connection is established and communication is possible.

Providing the application with an event channel with the server.

// If this socket is in opened, it will be executed immediately.
// If this socket is in connecting, closed or waiting, it will be ignored."open", function() {
error (error: Error): void

A message event which is fired every time an error has occurred. The error's message property can be one of the following values:

  • notransport: there is no available transport.
  • heartbeat: heartbeat fails.
  • notopened: socket is not opened.
  • Otherwise, every transport fails to establish a connection in connecting state or an esteablished connection is closed due to some error.

Logging given error.

// If this socket is in connecting and opened, it will be executed every time an error has occurred.
// If this socket is in closed or waiting, it will be ignored."error", function(error) {
close (reason: string): void

A network event which is fired only once in life cycle when a connection has been closed for any reason or couldn't be establiahsed.

Releasing resources that it has been holding.

// If this socket is in connecting and opened, it will be executed on close event.
// If this socket is in closed or waiting, it will be executed immediately."close", function() {
waiting (delay: number, attempts: number): void

A pseudo event which is fired only once in life cycle when a reconnection has scheduled. delay is the reconnection delay in milliseconds and attempts is the total number of reconnection attempts.

Notifiying a user of delay, the time have to wait for

// If this socket is in connecting and opened, it will be executed on waiting event.
// If this socket is in closed or waiting, it will be executed immediately."waiting", function(delay, attempts) {
    console.log("This is", attempts, (["st", "nd", "rd"][attempts - 1] || "th"), "attempt. It will connect in", (delay / 1000), "sec");
[event: string]: (data?: any, reply?: {resolve: (data?: any) => void; reject: (data?: any) => void}) => void

All the other event are message event and fired every time the server sends an event. data is data of the server sent event and reply is a controller to reply the server and not null only if server attaches resolved or rejected callback. Because this type of event will be used heavily, to manage such many events systematically, using some format like URI to event naming is helpful.

Receiving data

// If this socket is in connecting and opened, it will be executed every time an event has been received.
// If this socket is in closed or waiting, it will be ignored."/chat/message", function(message) {

Replying to event"/talk/request", function(account, reply) {
    $.templates("#template").link("#dialog section", account);
    $("#dialog").show().one("close", function() {
        if (this.returnValue) {
        } else {

once(event: string, handler: Function): Socket

Adds a given one time event handler for a given event. A handler shares the same signatures with on. It can be removed by off and called only once in the life cycle or never.

Sending an event defensively.

// If this socket is in connecting, it will be executed on open event and removed.
// If this socket is in opened, it will be executed and removed immediately.
// If this socket is in closed or waiting, it will be ignored.
// Whether or not it is called, it will never called in further life cycle. 
socket.once("open", function() {
    this.send("event", "data");

send(event: string, data?: any, resolved?: (data?: any) => void, rejected?: (data?: any) => void): Socket

Sends the event with data attaching resolved and rejected callbacks. If a socket is not opened, it will fire an error event.

Sending simple event."open", function() {

Getting data from the server."open", function() {
    this.send("/account/find", "flowersinthesand", function(account) {
    }, function(reason) {
        console.log("Got an error", reason);

Sending events in order."open", function() {
    this.send("event", 1, function() {
        this.send("event", 2, function() {
            this.send("event", 3, function() {
                this.send("event", 4);

state(): string

Determines the current state of the socket. Possible state values are connecting, opened, closed and waiting.

Tracking socket state

function logState() {
    console.log(this.state(), arguments);
}"connecting", logState).on("open", logState).on("close", logState).on("waiting", logState);