Vibe has been renamed to Cettia and is no longer maintained! Use Cettia. ×
flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.


Table of Contents


Vibe Java Server requires Java 7 and is distributed through Maven Central. Add the following dependency to your build or include it on your classpath manually.


Vibe Java Platform is created to run a vibe application on any framework or server transparently without or with a little bit of effort. See reference guide for what platforms are supported, how to install vibe on them and what you can do when your favorite platform is not supported.


Server is a vibe application in a nutshell producing and managing socket consuming HTTP exchange and WebSocket.

Handling Socket

When a socket is opened, actions added via socketAction(Action<ServerSocket> action) are executed with it. It's allowed to add several actions before and after installation, so you don't need to centralize all your code to one class.

server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(ServerSocket socket) {
        // Your logic here

Selecting Sockets

It's a common use case to select some sockets and do something with them like dealing with persistence entities or HTML elements. When a socket has been closed, it is evicted from the server immediately, so socket being passed to action is always in the open state where I/O operations are available.


all(Action<ServerSocket> action) executes the given action finding all of the socket in this server.

server.all(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(ServerSocket socket) {
        // Your logic here

By Id

Every socket has a unique id. byId(String id, Action<ServerSocket> action) finds socket by id and executes the given action only once or not if no socket is found.

server.byId("59f3e826-3684-4e0e-813d-8394ac7fb7c0", new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(ServerSocket socket) {
        // Your logic here

By Tag

A socket may have several tags and a tag may have several sockets like many-to-many relationship. byTag(String[] names, Action<ServerSocket> action) finds socket accepting one or more tag names and executes the given action.

server.byTag("room#201", new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(ServerSocket socket) {
        // Your logic here

Writing Sentence

Sentence is a fluent interface to deal with a group of sockets. Finder methods return a sentence when being called without action. Use of sentence is preferred to that of action if the goal is same. Because, it enables to write one-liner action and uses an action implementing Serializable in execution, which is picky to use in anonymous class and typically needed in clustering.

server.all().send("foo", "bar");
server.byTag("room#201", "room#301").send("message", "time to say goodbye").close();


Socket is a connectivity between the two vibe endpoints where event occurs.

Life Cycle

Socket can be in opened state where I/O operations are possible or closed state where close event fires and I/O operations are not possible but it is always expected in the opened state. In other words, do not hold a reference on socket unless the reference shares the same life cycle of socket. It makes things complicated since it is stateful and also may result in a problem in clustered environment.


  • To access socket always create a socket action and pass it to server.
  • Otherwise do something on socket's close event.


These are read only.


A unique identifier in the form of UUID generated by client by default.;


A URI used to connect. To work with URI parts, use or something like that.



A set of tag names. It's modifiable, deal with it as a plain set.

Set<String> tags = socket.tags();


As a socket is a just connectivity, id is not suibtable for handling a specific entity in the real world. For example, when an user signs in using multiple devices, if someone sends a message, it should be delivered to all devices where the user signed in. To do that, using id is annoying and error-prone.

That's why tag is introduced. A tag is used to point to a group of sockets like class attribute in HTML. Tag set is managed only by server and unknown to client. tag(String... names)/untag(String... names) attcahes/detaches given names of tags to/from a socket.


server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(final ServerSocket socket) {

Using tag

public class EntityListener {
    Server server;

    public void notifyAccount(Account account) {
        server.byTag(account.username()).send("/account/update", account);

Sending and Receiving Event

on(String event, Action<T> action) attaches an event handler. The close event is the only reserved event, which fires when a socket has been clsoed. In receiving events, the allowed Java types, T, for data are corresponding to JSON types:

Number String Boolean Array Object null
Integer or Double String Boolean List<T> Map<String, T> null or Void

send(String event) and send(String event, Object data) sends an event with or without data, respectively. Unlike when receiving event, when sending event you can use any type of data.


  • To manage a lot of events easily, use URI as event name format like /account/update.

The client sends events and the server echoes back to the client.


server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(final ServerSocket socket) {
        socket.on("echo", new Action<Object>() {
            public void on(Object data) {
                socket.send("echo", data);

Client"http://localhost:8080/vibe", {transport: "ws"})
.on("open", function() {
    this.send("echo", Math.PI)
    .send("echo", "pi")
    .send("echo", {"p": "i"})
    .send("echo", ["p", "i"]);
.on("echo", function(data) {

The server sends events and the client echoes back to the server.


server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(final ServerSocket socket) {
        socket.on("echo", new Action<Object>() {
            public void on(Object data) {
        .send("echo", Math.PI)
        .send("ehco", "pi")
        .send("echo", new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("p", "i"); } })
        .send("echo", Arrays.asList(new String[] {"p", "i"}));

Client"http://localhost:8080/vibe", {transport: "ws"})
.on("echo", function(data) {
    this.send("echo", data);

Getting and Setting Result of Event Processing

You can get the result of event processing from the client in sending event using send(String event, Object data, Action<T> resolved) and send(String event, Object data, Action<T> resolved, Action<U> rejected) where the allowed Java types, T, are the same with in receiving event, and set the result of event processing to the client in receiving event by using Reply as data type in an asynchronous manner. Either resolved or rejected callback is executed once when the counterpart executes it. You can apply this functionality to sending events in order, Acknowledgements, Remote Procedure Call and so on.


  • Beforehand determine whether to use rejected callback or not to avoid writing unnecessary rejected callbacks.

The client sends events attaching callbacks and the server executes one of them with the result of event processing.


server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(final ServerSocket socket) {
        socket.on("/account/find", new Action<Reply<String>>() {
            public void on(Reply<String> reply) {
                String id =;
                try {
                } catch(EntityNotFoundException e) {

Client"http://localhost:8080/vibe", {transport: "ws"})
.on("open", function(data) {
    this.send("/account/find", "flowersinthesand", function(data) {
        console.log("resolved with " + data);
    }, function(data) {
        console.log("rejected with " + data);
    .send("/account/find", "flowersits", function(data) {
        console.log("resolved with " + data);
    }, function(data) {
        console.log("rejected with " + data);

The server sends events attaching callbacks and the client executes one of them with the result of event processing.


server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
    public void on(final ServerSocket socket) {
        socket.send("/account/find", "flowersinthesand", new Action<Map<String, Object>>() {
            public void on(Map<String, Object> data) {
                System.out.println("resolved with " + data);
        }, new Action<String>() {
            public void on(String data) {
                System.out.println("rejected with " + data);
        .send("/account/find", "flowersits", new Action<Map<String, Object>>() {
            public void on(Map<String, Object> data) {
                System.out.println("resolved with " + data);
        }, new Action<String>() {
            public void on(String data) {
                System.out.println("rejected with " + data);

Client"http://localhost:8080/vibe", {transport: "ws"})
.on("/account/find", function(id, reply) {
    if (id === "flowersinthesand") {
        reply.resolve({name: "Donghwan Kim"});
    } else {

Accessing Platform-Specific Object

In any case, platform-specific objects like HTTP request and WebSocket underlie a socket and sometimes you need to access those objects, for example to get some attributes from a session where a socket is associated. Then you can access them using unwrap(Class<?> clazz).

Accessing HttpSession on Atmosphere.

HttpSession session = socket.unwrap(AtmosphereResource.class).getRequest().getSession();

Accessing HttpSession on Servlet.

HttpSession session = socket.unwrap(HttpServletRequest.class).getSession();


  • The purpose of unwrap(Class<?> clazz) is to get such a platform-specific object like session only and not to manipulate them.
  • Authentication is a high-level concept involving many other issues like choosing an authentication method, implementing that method and making it work in a clustered environment, and your platform or framework may have done for you in their own way. Overall approaches and examples will be added following Authentication feature.


Here is how to integrate Vibe Java Server with awesome technologies.

Dependency Injection Framework

With the help of Dependency Injection (DI) framework like Spring and Guice, you can inject Server wherever you need like the following cases:

Making Server as component.

public class Config {
    public Server server() {
        return new DefaultServer();

Integrating with I/O platform.

public class Feeder {
    private Server server;

    public void http(HttpExchange http) {
        server.httpAction().on(new MyServerHttpExchange(http));

    public void ws(WebSocket ws) {
        server.websocketAction().on(new MyServerWebSocket(ws));

Handling socket.

public class Handler {
    private Server server;

    public void handle() {
        server.socketAction(new Action<ServerSocket>() {
            public void on(ServerSocket socket) {

Sending event.

public class AccountEntityListener {
    private Server server;

    public void update(Account account) {
        server.byTag("account#" +"update", account);

Message Oriented Middleware

All of the Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) supporting publish and subscribe model like JMS and Hazelcast can be used to cluster multiple vibe applications by using ClusteredServer.

ClusteredServer intercepts a call to all, byId and byTag, converts the call into a message and pass the message to actions added via publishAction(Action<Map<String,Object>> action) which is supposed to publish message to all nodes including the one issued in cluster with the message. If one of node receives a message, it should pass the message to messageAction() in ClusteredServer.


  • Most MOM in Java requires message to be serialized. In other words, Action instance used in all, byId and byTag (not socketAction) should implement Serializable. Whereas Action is generally used as anonymous class, but Serializable can't be used in that manner. Therefore always use Sentence instead of Action especially in this case.
  • If your MOM doesn't allow to publish and subscribe Serializable directly, you need to use an array of bytes through doing serialization and deserialization.

Hermaphrodite case. It will work exactly like DefaultServer.

final ClusteredServer server = new ClusteredServer();

server.publishAction(new Action<Map<String, Object>>() {
    public void on(Map<String, Object> message) {

Hazelcast case. You can regard topic as node in the above explanation.

HazelcastInstance hazelcast = HazelcastInstanceFactory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
final ClusteredServer server = new ClusteredServer();
final ITopic<Map<String, Object>> topic = hazelcast.getTopic("vibe:app");

topic.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<Map<String, Object>>() {
    public void onMessage(Message<Map<String, Object>> message) {
server.publishAction(new Action<Map<String, Object>>() {
    public void on(Map<String, Object> message) {