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flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.

Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha8 released

wrote this on

Focusing on API for server-side transport layer and authentication, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha8, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha8 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha11 are released.

  • API for server-side transport layer is added. Accordingly, how to bootstrap server is changed. vibe-protocol#45
    • httpAction and wsAction are removed from Server and Server itself becomes Action<ServerTransport>. vibe-java-server#68
    • As a replacement of httpAction and wsAction, HttpTransportServer and WebSocketTransportServer are added. vibe-java-server#71
  • The extension, one of building blocks of the protocol, is dropped. vibe-protocol#48
  • It is decided that authentication should be done by documentation and examples without adding special API. vibe-protocol#25

As now only three main features, attribute support, event cache and binary event, are remaining in alpha phase, we think beta should be available in late Feb. In next iteration, attribute support will be covered, which allows you to set and get attribute to and from server regardless of clustering and accordingly can be used to provide user session. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.