Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha10 released
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To allow to exchange binary message through WebSocket transport, Vibe Protocol 3.0.0-Alpha10, Vibe JavaScript Client 3.0.0-Alpha11 and Vibe Java Server 3.0.0-Alpha13 are released.
- WebSocket transport should be able to exchange binary message. Each issue has a comment to demonstrate how to use that feature. vibe-protocol#52, vibe-java-server#76
- It is decided to use only
as a type representing binary data in browser not just for WebSocket but also for other transports. vibe-javascript-client#48
- It is decided to use only
- options.xdrURL may throw a TypeError 'Cannot read property 'xdrURL' of undefined'. vibe-javascript-client#47
This feature is one of sub tasks of exchange of binary event via socket. In next iteration, we will focus on how to facilitate exchange of binary message via HTTP transports. If you have any feedback, please let us know and we really appreciate them.