Vibe has been renamed to Cettia and is no longer maintained! Use Cettia. ×
flowersinthesand wrote Vibe 3.0.0-Alpha12 released on February 5, 2015.

Migration from Portal

wrote this on

The first alpha of Vibe is at the API level not much different from a set of Portal 1.1+, Portal for Java 0.8+ and wes 0.1+. If you've used them, migration is not a big deal. But if you've created and used your own portal server and client, you need to modify your implementation a little bit. Take a look at reference implementation from Vibe Protocol.

However if you are hesitating migration, see the following advantages of Vibe over Portal that will help you make decision.

  • For writing real-time web application itself.
    • While Portal has focused on ease to implement server first as it has started as a jQuery plugin for HTTP streaming and rejected any idea which could make protocol complex no matter how useful it would be, Vibe focuses on ease to write real-time web application itself more than anything else so is willing to accept any ideas if it's worth.
  • Based on own protocol.
    • Portal has under the implicit protocol provided only two implementations: JavaScript client and Java server, but Vibe will provide various implementations including the previous ones based on its own explicit protocol so that it would be certainly easy to use Vibe in other language.
  • Easy to write and verify implementation.
    • Portal's protocol is clearly separated to the very protocol part that have to be implemented and the extension part that can be optionally implemented, and on top of that, Vibe provides reference implementation and test suite to help write and verify your implementation.
  • Merged with Atmosphere.
    • Vibe is also a result from a collaboration of Atmosphere and Portal. Useful features and detailed experiences of Atmosphere like performance tuning, binary handling, workaround for I/O platform's quirks will be available in Vibe.
  • Leaded by Donghwan Kim and Jeanfrancois Arcand.
    • Jeanfrancois Arcand, an author of Grizzly, Asynchronous HTTP Client and Atmosphere, also leads Vibe. His rich experience in Java enterprise application and open source project will doubtless help Vibe out.
  • On the superior community.
    • As Atmosphere 3, Vibe will inherit the good parts from Atmosphere. One of them is the superior community. Atmosphere has been developed and maintained by warm participation of the community. Now Vibe will be.
  • Commercial support.
    • Now you can safely mitigate the risk to use a work from my one man show. Asnyc-IO, the company behind the Atmosphere, provides commercial support for Vibe as well.


Portal is heavily refactored and separated into Vibe JavaScript Client providing vibe.js that is successor of portal.js and Vibe Protocol providing reference implementation and test suite helping implement the protocol.


All about renaming.

  • JavasScript files are renamed to vibe.js and vibe.min.js.
  • Node.js module on npm is renamed to vibe-client.
  • Bower package is renamed to vibe.


All deprecated or unuseful options and methods are removed or modified.

  • portal module is renamed to vibe.
  • portal.find is removed.
    • It has brought confusion when loaded by module loaders.

Socket options

  • lastEventId is removed.
    • It is only valid when the server assures the message-sending order which is far from ideal in a performance.
  • prepare is removed.
    • It has brought inconsistency when connection sharing is enabled.
  • idGenerator is removed.
    • A form of socket id is fixed to UUID.
  • urlBuilder and params are removed.
    • Attach them as query string in advance.
  • inbound and outbound are removed.
    • Modifying final event object is not allowed.
  • notifyAbort is removed.
    • It's always enabled to maintain reliable HTTP connection.
  • credentials is removed.
    • It's always enabled for convenience of use of cross-origin connection.
  • xdrURL has no default implementation.
    • No more support for JSESSIONID or PHPSESSID. Do it yourself.
  • streamParser is removed.
    • The stream format is fixed to the event stream format from Server-Sent Events.


  • option(key:string) is removed.
    • No reason to retrieve option.
  • data(key: string, value?: any) is removed.
    • Create a map on open event and destory it on close event.
  • on(handlers: {[event: string]: Function;}) is removed.
    • Use on(event: string, handler: Function) signature.
  • one(event: string, handler: Function) is renamed to once.
    • For better readability.
  • send(event, data, done: string, fail: string) is removed.
    • It was created to make callbacks work with connection sharing. Now connection sharing will be rewritten so that the other signature allowing to pass function will be available.
  • Shortcuts to add event handler whose type is (handler: Function), i.e connecting, open, message, close and waiting, are removed.
    • For potential usage.
  • It is not allowed to send event when socket is not opened.
    • Do that on open event.
  • In dispatching message event, the second argument, reply, is changed from a function into an object to control reply.
    • Its type is {resolve: (data?: any) => void; reject: (data?: any) => void}, hence the previous reply(val) equals to reply.resolve(val).
  • Sending and receiving binary event is not supported.
    • Use a plain WebSocket.

Portal for Java

Portal for Java and wes are renamed to Vibe Java Server and Vibe Java Platform respectively with many bug fixes and enhancements. If you are using Portal for Java less than 0.8, see migration guide to 0.8 first of all.


All about renaming.

  • Group id is changed to org.atmosphere.
  • portal artifact is renamed to vibe-server.
  • portal-testsuite artifact is replaced and removed by the protocol test suite in Vibe Protocol.
  • Each wes bridge artifact, wes-${platform}, is renamed to vibe-platform-server-${platform}.


All about renaming.

  • io.github.flowersinthesand.portal package is renamed to org.atmosphere.vibe.server.
  • io.github.flowersinthesand.wes package is renamed to org.atmosphere.vibe.platform.server.
  • Each wes bridge's package is changed to contain platform's version at the end i.e. from io.github.flowersinthesand.wes.servlet to org.atmosphere.vibe.platform.server.servlet3.